Pierre JM. Time to retire haloperidol? For emergency agitation, evidence suggests newer alternatives may be a better choice. Current Psychiatry 2020; 19:18-28.
Pierre JM. Abuse of psychiatric medications: Not just stimulants and benzodiazepines. Current Psychiatry 2019; 18:10-16,21-24,26,38.
Pierre JM. Real-world challenges in managing ‘dual diagnosis’ patients. Current Psychiatry 2018; 17:25-30.
Roggenkamp H, Nicholls A, Pierre JM. Tattoos as a window to the psyche: How talking about skin art can inform psychiatric practice. World J Psychiatry 2017; 22:148-158.
Tessier JM, Erickson ZD, Meyer HB, Baker MR, Gelberg HA, Arnold IY, Kwan CL, Chamberlin V, Rosen JA, Shah C, Hellemann G, Lewis MM, Nguyen C, Sachinvala N, Amrami B, Pierre JM, Ames D. Therapeutic lifestyle changes: Impact on weight, quality of life, and psychiatric symptoms in veterans with mental illness. Military Medicine 2017 182:e1738-e1744.
Pierre JM, Mahr F, Carter A, Madaan V. Underrepresented in medicine recruitment: Rationale, challenges, and strategies of increasing diversity in a psychiatry residency program. Academic Psychiatry 2017; 41:226-232.
Erickson ZD, Kwan CL, Gelberg HA, Arnold IY, Chamberlin V, Rosen JA, Shah C, Nguyen CT, Hellemann G, Aragaki DR, Kunkel CF, Lewis MM, Sachinvala N, Sonza PA, Pierre JM, Ames D. A randomized, controlled multisite study of behavioral interventions for veterans with mental illness and antipsychotic medication-associated obesity. J Gen Int Med 2017; 32(Suppl 1):32-39.
Pierre JM. Risks of increasingly potent cannabis: Joint effects of potency and frequency. Current Psychiatry 2016; 16:14-20.
Ames D, Carr-Lopez SM, Gutierrez M, Pierre JM, Shakib S, Yudofsky Y. Detecting and managing adverse effects of antipsychotic medications: Current state of play. Psych Clin N Amer 2016; 39:275-311.
Erickson ZD, Mena SJ, Pierre JM, Blum LH, Martin E, Helleman G, Aragaki DR, Firestone L, Lee C, Lee P, Kunkel CF, Ames D. Management of antipsychotic medication associated obesity. J Clin Psychiatry 2016; 77:e183-189.
Cheung EH, Pierre JM. The medical ethics of neuroenhancement. AIMS Neuroscience 2015; 2:105-122.
Kwan C, Gelberg HA, Rosen JA, Chamberlin V, Shah C, Nguyen C, Pierre JM, Erickson ZD, Mena SJ, King M, Arnold I, Baker MR, Meyer HB; Ames D. Nutritional counseling for adults with severe mental illness: Lessons learned from a dietitian’s perspective. J Acad Nutrit Diet 2014; 114:369-374.
Pierre JM. The neuroscience of free will: Implications for psychiatry. Psychol Med 2014; 44:2465-2474. 2012; 57:651-658.
Pierre JM. Mental illness and mental health: Is the glass half empty of half full? Canadian J Psychiatry 2012; 57:651-658.
Philips J, Frances A, Cerullo M, Chardavoyne J, First M, Ghaemi N, Greenberg G, Hinderleiter A, Kinghorn W, Labello S, Martin E, Mishara A, Paris J, Pierre J, Pies R, Picnus H, Poster D, Pouncey C, Schwartz M, Wakefield J, Waterman S, Whooley O, Szasz T, Zachar P. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 4: General conclusion. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2012; 7:14.
Philips J, Frances A, Cerullo M, Chardavoyne J, First M, Ghaemi N, Greenberg G, Hinderleiter A, Kinghorn W, Labello S, Martin E, Mishara A, Paris J, Pierre J, Pies R, Picnus H, Poster D, Pouncey C, Schwartz M, Wakefield J, Waterman S, Whooley O, Szasz T, Zachar P. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 3: Issues of utility and alternative approaches in psychiatric diagnosis. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2012; 7:9.
Philips J, Frances A, Cerullo M, Chardavoyne J, First M, Ghaemi N, Greenberg G, Hinderleiter A, Kinghorn W, Labello S, Martin E, Mishara A, Paris J, Pierre J, Pies R, Picnus H, Poster D, Pouncey C, Schwartz M, Wakefield J, Waterman S, Whooley O, Szasz T, Zachar P. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 2: Issues of conservatism and pragmatism in psychiatric diagnosis. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2012; 7:8.
Philips J, Frances A, Cerullo M, Chardavoyne J, First M, Ghaemi N, Greenberg G, Hinderleiter A, Kinghorn W, Labello S, Martin E, Mishara A, Paris J, Pierre J, Pies R, Picnus H, Poster D, Pouncey C, Schwartz M, Wakefield J, Waterman S, Whooley O, Szasz T, Zachar P. The six most essential questions in psychiatric diagnosis: A pluralogue part 1. Conceptual and definitional issues in psychiatric diagnosis. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2012; 7:3.
Pierre JM. Cannabis, synthetic cannabinoids, and psychosis risk: What the evidence says. Current Psychiatry 2011; 19:49-57.
Pierre JM. The borders of mental disorder in psychiatry and the DSM: Past, present, and future. J Psychiatric Practice 2010; 16:375-386.
Pierre JM. Non-antipsychotic treatment of auditory hallucinations. Biol Psychiatry 2010; 68:e33-34.
Pierre JM. Hallucinations in non-psychotic disorders: Towards a differential diagnosis of “hearing voices.” Harvard Review of Psychiatry 2010; 18:22-35.
Pierre JM. Deconstructing schizophrenia for DSM-V: Challenges for clinical and research agendas. Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses 2008; 2:166-174.
Peloian JH, Pierre JM. Modafinil: A candidate for pharmacotherapy of negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Progress in Neurotherapeutics Neuropsychopharmacology 2008; 3:259-274.
Tabibian JH, Wirshing DA, Pierre JM, Guzik LH, Kisicki MD, Danovitch I, Mena SJ, Wirshing WC. Hepatitis B and C among veterans on a psychiatric ward. Dig Dis Sci. 2008; 53:1693-1698.
Pierre JM, Peloian J, Wirshing DA, Wirshing WC, Marder SR. A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial of modafinil for negative symptoms in schizophrenia. J Clin Psychiatry 2007; 68:705-710.
Buckley PF, Wirshing DA, Bhushan P, Pierre JM, Resnick SA, Wirshing WC. Lack of insight in schizophrenia: impact on treatment adherence. CNS Drugs 2007; 1:129-141.
Wirshing DA, Pierre JM, Wirshing WC, Guzik LH, Resnick SA, Goldstein D, Zorick TS. Community re-entry program training module for schizophrenic inpatients improves treatment outcomes. Schizophr Res 2006; 87:338-339.
Meyer JM, Loh C, Leckband SG, Boyd J, Wirshing WC, Pierre JM, Wirshing DA. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in veterans with schizophrenia. J Psychiatric Practice 2006; 12:5-10.
Pierre JM. Extrapyramidal symptoms with atypical antipsychotics: Incidence, prevention and management. Drug Safety 2005; 28:191-208.
Pierre JM, Cannell J, Sheppard K, Marks R, Mendenhall J, Wirshing DA, Wirshing WC, Saunders DG. High dose quetiapine in treatment refractory schizophrenia. Schiz Research 2005; 73:373-375.
Pierre JM, Wirshing DA, Wirshing WC. High dose antipsychotics: Desperation or data-driven? Current Psychiatry 2004; 3:31-37.
Wirshing DA, Danovitch I, Erhart SM, Pierre JM, Wirshing WC. Practical tips to manage common side effects. Current Psychiatry 2003; 2:49-57.
Wirshing DA, Pierre JM, Erhart S, Boyd J. Understanding the new and evolving profile of adverse drug effects in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Clinics of North America 2003; 26:165-190.
Wirshing DA, Pierre JM, Marder SM, Saunders CS, Wirshing WC. Sexual side effects of atypical antipsychotic medications. Schizophrenia Research 2002; 56:25-30.
Wirshing DA, Erhart SM, Pierre JM, Boyd JA. Nonextrapyramidal side effects of novel antipsychotics. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2000; 13:45-50.
Wirshing DA, Bartzokis G, Pierre JM, Wirshing WC, Sun A, Tishler TA, Marder S. Tardive dyskinesia and serum iron indices. Biol Psychiatry 1998; 44:493-498.
Peer Reviewed Short Publications and Case Reports
Pierre JM, Zito MF, Yang YS, Marder SR. Antipsychotic discontinuation and recovery: chicken or egg? Psychol Med 2023; 53:1134-1135.
Pierre JM. Diagnostic uncertainty, antipsychotic dosing, and optimal psychosocial interventions: Unanswered questions in first-episode psychosis. Schiz Res 2021; 228:600-601.
Pierre JM. Modern challenges of delusional disorder. The Carlat Report:Psychiatry 2020; 18:5-7.
Pierre JM. Are auditory hallucinations ever normal? The Carlat Report:Psychiatry 2019; 17:5-6.
Pierre JM, Frances A. Language in psychiatry: A bedeviling dictionary. BJPsych Advances 2016; 22:313-315.
Pierre JM, Gandal M, Son M. Cannabis-induced psychosis associated with high potency “wax dabs.” Schizophr Res 2016; 172:211-212.
Pierre JM. Suicide, swords, and cultural sanctioning. Am J Forensic Sci 2014; 35:284.
Striebel JM, Pierre JM. Acute psychotic sequelae of “bath salts.” Schizophrenia Research 2011; 133:259-260.
DeBonis KL, Pierre JM. Psychosis, ivermectin toxicity, and “Morgellons disease.” Psychosomatics 2011; 52:295-296.
Schiffman J, Davis M, Pierre J, Saunders CS. Hydroxyzine: Rational choice for inpatients with insomnia. Current Psychiatry2011; 10:88.
Pierre JM. Psychosis associated with “medical marijuana:” Risks vs. benefits of medicinal cannabis use. Am J Psychiatry 2010; 167:598-599.
Pierre JM. Naming names: auditory hallucinations, inner speech, and source monitoring. Psychological Med 2009; 39:1-2.
Burke G, Wong D, Saunders CS, Pierre JM. Risperidone-induced erythema multiforme. Gen Hospital Psychiatry 2009; 31:295-296.
Lu J, Pierre JM. Psychotic episode associated with Bikram yoga. Am J Psychiatry 2007; 164:1761.
Pierre JM, Shnayder I, Wirshing DA, Wirshing WC. Intranasal quetiapine abuse. Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161:1718.
Pierre JM, Wirshing DA, Wirshing WC. ‘Iatrogenic malingering’ in VA substance abuse treatment. Psych Services 2003; 54:253-254.
Pierre JM, Wirshing DA, Wirshing WC. In response to Furst et al., “Possible association of QTc interval prolongation with co-administration of quetiapine and lovastatin”: Reply. Biol Psychiatry 2002; 52:914-915.
Wirshing DA, Pierre JM, Wirshing WC. Sleep apnea associated with antipsychotic-induced obesity. J Clin Psychiatry 2002; 63:369-370.
Wirshing DA, Boyd JA, Pierre JM, Saunders CS, Wirshing WC, Azizian KA, Patel KR, Ashcraft JC, Darmandjian H, Feusner J. Delusions associated with quetiapine-related weight redistribution. J Clin Psychiatry 2002; 63:247-248.
Furst B, Champion K, Pierre JM, Wirshing DA, Wirshing WC. Possible association of QTc interval prolongation with co-administration of quetiapine and lovastatin. Biol Psychiatry 2002; 51:264-265.
Wirshing DA, Pierre JM, Eyeler J, Weinbach J, Wirshing WC. Risperidone-associated new-onset diabetes. Biol Psychiatry2001; 50:148-149.
Pierre JM, Gitlin M. Bupropion-tranylcypromine combination for treatment refractory depression. J Clin Psychiatry 2000; 61:450-451.
Pierre JM, Guze BH. Benztropine for venlafaxine induced night sweats. J Clin Psychopharmacology 2000; 20:269.
Wirshing WC, Ames D, Bisheff S, Pierre JM, Mendoza A. Acute hepatotoxicity associated with combined clozapine and sodium valproate treatment. J Clin Psychopharmacology 1997; 17:120-121.
Altshuler LL, Pierre JM, Wirshing WC, Ames D. Sertraline and akathisia. J Clin Psychopharmacology 1994; 14:278-279.
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
Pierre JM. Suicide, terrorism, or martyrdom: The psychological motives and cultural sanctioning of dying for a cause. Brown Journal of World Affairs.
Pierre JM. Treating patients with “dual diagnosis”: Real-world challenges. The Los Angeles Psychologist 2011; 25:6-7.
Pierre JM. Final comment. Bulletin of the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry 2010; 17:12-13.
Pierre JM. Mental disorder vs. normality: Defining the indefinable. Bulletin of the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry 2010; 17:9-11.
Pierre JM. A psychiatry of tomorrow: DSM-5 and beyond. PsychiatricTimes.com, DSM-5 Blog; June 25, 2010 2009.
Pierre JM. Challenging the “dis-ease” model. PsychiatricTimes.com, August 26, 2009.
Book Chapters
Pierre JM. A socioepistemic model of conspiracy theory belief. In: Coady D, Tsapos M, eds. Research handbook on conspiracy theories and society. Edward Elgar Publishing (in press).
Pierre JM. Real-life harassment, paranoid psychosis, or Internet-driven social contagion? A differential diagnosis of “gangstalking.” In: Johnstone LB, ed. Gangstalking: Academic intersections and ethical issues. Ethics Press (in press).
Pierre JM. Overdiagnosis, underdiagnosis, synthesis: A dialectic for psychiatry and the DSM. In: Paris J, Philips J, eds. Making the DSM-5: Concepts and controversies. Springer: New York, 2013.
Pierre JM, Marder SR. Acute efficacy of atypical antipsychotic drugs. In: Cernansky JG, Lauriello J, eds. Atypical antipsychotics: From bench to bedside. Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, 2004.